Rúðuhreinsir R541
Rúðuhreinsir R541
ASK-Special Cleaner R541
- For cleaning and degreasing of all glass, paint, plastic and metal
surfaces before bonding and sealing works
- Mandatory before the direct glazing of front, rear and side windows with the primer-less and activator-less 2-step-windshield adhesive
system ASK-Clean & Stick K106 in OEM quality
- The ASK-Special Cleaner R541 and the windshield adhesive ASK-Clean & Stick K106 form together the 2-step-windshield adhesive
- Ensures a strong adhesive effect and an optimum bonding
- Removes production-related silicone and separating agent residues on the vehicle windows which are often invisible and might cause
- Removes without problems excess amounts of ASK in fresh condition
- Base: Heptane
- Apply ASK-Special Cleaner R541 onto lint-free paper or fleece cloth and clean the surfaces resp. the ceramic screen printing of the
windshield or the parts to be glued. Then wipe dry and let evaporate before further processing.
- Check material compatibility by preliminary tests