Stiga Estate 7102 HWSY sláttutraktor

kr. 979.990

Öflugur traktor með sterku 102 sm. sláttuborði með tveimur samstilltum hnífum. Nýr og öflugur Honda GXV 630 tveggja sílindera mótor. 320 lítra safnkassi. Mjög öflugt tæki sem er ætlað í að slá allt að 7.000 fm. lóðir.

  • Honda tveggja sílindera mótor – 12.6 KW
  • Sterkt 102 sm. sláttuborð með 4 stýrihjólum
  • Sjálfskiptur – fram og aftur á sama pedala
  • 5.5″ skjár sem sýnir stöðu og helstu aðgerðir
  • Öflug LED ljós og framstuðari
  • Mjúkt stýri og stórt sæti með armpúðum

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The STIGA Estate 7102 HWSY Lawn Tractor is equipped with a 688 cc Honda GXV 630 twin-cylinder engine and offers an excellent large-area work rate, with its generously proportioned 102cm cutter-deck and impressively roomy 320-litre grass collector ensuring you’ll get the job done with speed and efficiency.It benefits from a 5.5” colour display that provides clear, easy-to-read information on all key operating indicators. STIGA Best Cutting-Zone function will always let the operator know when they’re achieving the best cutting-performance, thanks to green-light indicator, whatever the terrain and grass-type. It also features a foot-pedal hydrostatic transmission that gives the operator infinitely variable ground-speed control with no need to stop and manually change gear.Designed for comfort, the Estate 7102 HWSY blends a STIGA Comfort Plus adjustable seat (with armrests) with a STIGA Premium soft-grip steering-wheel, a rubber-coated footrest and effortless push-button PTO activation.A cast-iron front axle will easily handle the demands of frequent heavy-duty use across rough ground; while anti-scalp deck wheels prevent turf-marking when turning on inclines.Not just a collector, the versatile Estate 7102 HWSY is also capable of mulching or rear-discharging cut grass. Further enhancing flexibility of use is seven-position cutting-height adjustment from 30 to 90mm.